Robotics Consulting: Services That Are Transforming The Automation Industry.

Last Update: May 29, 2024 | Author: Keegan Dillon

In 2024, robotic process automation is shaping up to be the perfect answer to tackling repetitive processes, unexpected downtimes, and productivity problems.

But remember, robots are only as effective as the people who set them up and run them. If your investment isn’t paying off as well as you hoped, it might be time to bring in an expert.

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What Does a Robotic Consultant Do?

A robotics consultant is a professional who advises and assists businesses in integrating robotic solutions and automated systems into their business operations.

Here’s a closer look at what they do:

Assess your business’s needs:

First up, they dive into understanding every corner of your operations. They’ll look at what you’re doing well and identify spots where bringing in robots could really make a difference.

Make a Game Plan:

After sizing up your situation, the consultant will lay out a strategy. This part is a must as it revolves around finding the right kind of automation that matches your business goals.

Then, they will think about which robots can enhance productivity, cut costs, or maybe even both.

Tailor-Made Tech:

Every business has its own quirks and needs, and that’s where custom solutions come in. The consultant will design systems that fit just right with your operations.

They make sure that whatever tech they bring in works perfectly with what you already have. This could mean upgrading existing machines or designing something completely new.

Integration And Training:

Once the perfect robotic systems are picked and designed, they won’t just leave you with an instruction manual.

The consultant will help integrate these systems into your existing processes. They’ll also train your workforce to make sure everyone’s up to speed on how to use the new tools effectively.

Ongoing Support:

The job isn’t done once the robots are up and running. Your consultant will stick around to monitor how things are going and make adjustments and updates as needed.

This way, you can keep pace with tech advances and continuously improve your processes.

Do You Need Robotics Consulting?

If you’re wondering whether it’s time to consider robotics consulting for your business, here are some clear signs that might point you in that direction:

You Lack Productivity: If you’ve tried everything you can think of and your productivity is still not budging, bringing in a robotics consultant might just be the key to breaking through that ceiling.

Costs Are Rising: When your operational costs start to climb, whether it’s due to labor or maintenance, robotics might offer a more cost-effective way to get things done.

Quality Control Headaches: If you’re constantly dealing with quality issues or product inconsistencies, robot technology could help. They’re great at tasks that require high precision and consistency in human actions, which could be just what you need to improve your product quality.

Safety Concerns Or Repetitive Tasks: If your workplace has unsafe areas or tasks that are tough on your team, robotics consulting can help find automation solutions that make your workplace safer and your processes more efficient.

Scaling Challenges: Is your business growing but you’re finding it hard to keep up with increased demand? Automation can help scale up your production without an increase in errors or staffing headaches. Plus, a robotics consultant can help you catch up with the competition and implement cutting-edge technologies that keep you ahead of the game.

Want to Become a Robotics Consultant?

If you want to break into the industrial automation industry as a robotics consultant, here’s a general overview of the background, skills, and expertise you need:

Education And Tech Proficiency:

Start with a degree in engineering, robotics, computer science, automation, or a similar field. Consider a Master’s or PhD if your goal is to specialize further or engage in high-level research and development. At the same time, you need to develop strong skills in robot or PLC programming languages such as Python, C++, or Java. Gain experience in robotic control systems, sensor integration, and unstructured data processing.

Plus, familiarize yourself with AI, natural language processing, and machine learning.

Soft Skills:

Problem-solving skills, good communication, and creative thinking are a must in this field. Since you’ll often work with diverse teams, being able to communicate clearly and effectively is a big edge. Keep in mind that you’ll also often find yourself managing projects from the ground up. Good project management skills are important for keeping things on track, managing resources efficiently, and handling team dynamics.

Job Experience:

Build your hands-on skills through internships or positions in related fields. Getting involved in lab work or diving into robotics competitions can also help improve your skills. Additionally, consider becoming a self-employed robotics consultant. Starting your own projects or freelancing as an independent contract engineer can offer direct experience and unique challenges that further develop your expertise.

Where Can You Find Robotics Jobs?

If you’re aiming for a career in robotics, here are some top spots to kickstart your search:

  • Job Boards And Websites: Platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn are treasure troves for robotics job postings. Use keywords like “robotics engineer,” “automation specialist,” or “robotics consultant” to find your dream job.
  • Company Career Pages: Check out the careers section of companies leading the charge in robotics, such as Boston Dynamics, ABB, and FANUC. They frequently update their sites with job opportunities.
  • Industry Conferences And Events: Get involved in robotics and tech conferences. Networking at events like RoboBusiness and the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) can open doors to job opportunities you might not find online.
  • University Career Centers: If you’re a student or a recent grad, don’t overlook your university’s career center. They have connections with companies eager to hire fresh talent in robotics and often post exclusive job listings.
  • Professional Associations: Join groups like the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society or the Robotics Industries Association. They offer job boards and networking events that can help you connect with potential employers.
  • Recruitment Agencies: Specialized tech and engineering recruitment agencies can match you with companies on the hunt for robotics experts.
  • Freelance Engineering Platforms: Engineering contractor platforms like JOINER let you set up a profile and help match you with clients that need the experience and expertise you’re offering.

How Much Does a Robotics Consultant Make?

A career as a robotics consultant can be quite rewarding, with salaries depending on experience, location, and the types of projects you work on.

For those just starting out, entry-level consultants can expect to make between $55,000 and $80,000 per year, depending on the company and region. As you gain more experience, mid-level consultants typically earn between $80,000 and $110,000 annually.

Senior consultants with several years of expertise can command salaries ranging from $110,000 to $150,000 or more per year. If you have specialized skills or work on particularly complex projects, you might even see your earnings go beyond $150,000, especially if you’re working for top firms or in high-demand areas.

Robotic Consultant Salary | JOINER Services

For those who choose to freelance, the financial rewards can be just as enticing. Freelance robotics consultants might charge anywhere from $45 to $110 per hour, depending on their expertise and the scope of the projects they take on. This can translate to annual earnings ranging from $70,000 to well over $200,000, depending on the number and type of projects you handle.

Robotics Consulting Companies You Should Consider:

Whether you’re a client or a contractor, here’s a list of the best robotics consulting companies that can help you get what you need.

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JOINER Services is known for its smart approach to integrating industrial robotics into businesses, by helping to simplify operations and increase efficiency without the need to commit to an in-house engineering.

Key Services:

  • Robotic systems integration and installation
  • Industrial robot programming
  • Most robotic manufacturing brands supported
  • Robot maintenance
  • Production support

Perfect Fit Automation hires only the industry’s best and some of the most experienced robotic system designers and robot programmers. They help to work for your company to maximize production workflow, increase efficiency, and ensure your equipment is running at its highest quality for all your robotic operations.

Key Services:

  • Welding / Material Handling / Adhesives
  • Large scall system integration
  • 9 brands of robots

VersaTech Engineering:

VersaTech Engineering LLC provides skilled robot programming support and is committed to helping its clients with robotic projects. They can assist with designing robotic cells, robot installation, and troubleshooting until production. They will work with your company to develop robust robotic systems that meet the needs of their clients.

Key Services:

  • System integration
  • Automotive OEM and tier supplier manufacturing
  • Robot programming support

AM Robotics robot programming service focuses on reducing start-up time while maximizing robot efficiencies with robot simulation, system validation, and programming. Their team focuses on troubleshooting client issues, and their robotics firm is known for consistently delivering the very best robotic solutions and on-site robotic consulting services.

Key Services:

  • Robot design
  • Robot simulation
  • Robot programming services

Leave your robotic process automation in the right hands.

An effective robotic system ticks all the boxes: reduces errors, maximizes productivity, improves safety, and so on. If your machines are not meeting these criteria, it’s time to bring in an expert from JOINER Services.

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From implementation and quality control to process optimization and safety implementation, the JOINER platform has the right person (or team) for you. Join for free and connect with the top robotics consultants today.

FAQs About Robotics Consulting:

Below, I describe some frequently asked questions about robot consulting.

It really depends on what you need. The more complex the project, the more it might cost. Most consulting firms will check out your situation first and then give you a custom quote.
It could take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months. It really boils down to how big your project is and what specific needs you have. In any case, schedule for more than enough downtime to prepare.
Yes. Robotics can be scaled to fit businesses of all sizes, often resulting in significant efficiency boosts and cost savings.


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